Posted by: Mongolianbeef | January 10, 2010

Food + Physics!

Today my mom decided to make xushuur a Mongolian dish which is pretty much a bigger form of deep fried dumplings…I’m not sure if that makes any sense but I hope that makes sense.  So while making xushuur I saw simple Physics concepts behind the making of the food.

The first one I saw was heat transfer.  The electrical energy from electricity, HECO, went into heat energy as it heated up the stove and there was heat transfer from the stove to the frying pan.  Then from the frying pan the heat transferred to the oil and then finally to the xushuur to make it nice and warm and fried all over.

The second concept I saw was the fact that the xushuur flour was puffing up as it was being fried.  I would suppose this is the work being done because the air molecules heat up and move around faster and push up the flour.

The third concept was cooling down which made the xushuur colder and I saw that it

Doesn't it look good?

sagged a little which meant that heat energy left the system.

Depressingly I did not realize the awesome Physics concepts of this until after the food had been made so all I can give

is a picture of the food.

Who knew Physics made food taste so good? (nah! it as all my mom! too bad Physics :P)

I love you mom! (if you ever read this…)

This blog is dedicated to my loving and caring mother. 😀


  1. Haha. Yummy post, Tulga. And way to love your parents! My parents, oddly enough, both read my blog. >_O

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